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Saturday 19 March 2016

Second Book

I'm trying to figure out my second book at the moment. I want it to look a fair bit "cleaner" than The Princess and the Fog which was deliberately quite scattered, ever-changing and a little confusing, to match with the theme. This one should be a lot "quieter".

This is what the protagonist looks like:
I've been writing her as "Fran" but I'm not married to that name. It doesn't have a title either. I am not good at naming things. My children are all going to be named Lloyd Jr.
I literally just this second was given the suggestion Ursula, which I like quite a lot.

I was thinking at first I was going to do the whole thing in watersoluble crayons like this, mostly because they're kina "fuzzy," which goes nicely with the gentle Autumn theme and the whole bear thing, and the colours easily variable. But now I'm not so sure.

Fran's had a very subtle redesign since the first draft of the book after feedback that some kids thought she was supposed to be a hippo (!)

Here's two of her, coloured on the left with gouache and on the right with very thickly applied watersoluble crayon, as opposed to the above image which was quite thinly drawn. Can't decide which I prefer. Results inconclusive! More testing needed!