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Friday 2 November 2012

mega sketch dump

Haven't done one of these in a while. Just a big ol' mess of stuff from my sketchbook (June? ish? 2011 - present) that I haven't shown off anywhere else.

There's a lot here and I didn't want to scan it all so I just took some cheap and nasty photos. If you want a better quality version of anything you see here, shoot me an email or something and I'll be more than happy to oblige.

As always, click almost any image to make it bigger.

 A sexy singer. Part of a series of paintings I was never satisfied with of different fictitious musicians across a variety of different genres. Might pick that up again at some point.

 Boy and Girl from Connections. Still very much in love. This later became a gift for a friend.

An idea for a series of small minimalist paintings that make a panorama when positioned together. I should get around to doing this at some point as well.

 Creepy. This one's probably inspired by this Ted talk.

A bunch of nonsense.

 This guy's pretty pleased with himself, huh.

For some reason food and alcoholic drinks are some of my favourite things to draw. Something inherently funny about them, to me, that I just cannot put my finger on.

Another idea for a series of small paintings. "Stupid," apparently.

Might make a full painting of this one day.

Look at all this crazy junk.

This was made as part of a proposal for a guy looking for an illustrator to help create a body of work around conflict resolution in the workplace. I never heard anything back.
