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Saturday 28 April 2012

Short Term Diary prototype experiment

I am conducting an experiment, and your assistance would be most appreciated.

For my MA I’m currently working on putting together a series of alternative diaries. They’re intended for diary-keepers and non-diary-keepers alike and draw upon art therapy techniques to deliver a therapeutic and fun experience that also sparks creative thinking. Unlike traditional diaries, they also only contain about one month’s worth of entries to keep them from being too daunting for non-diary-keepers, and to keep them from outstaying their welcome.

I’ve printed up a bunch of these prototype copies. That’s where you come in.

It is so simple. All you have to do is fill in one of these diaries I have made, and then I’ll get you to answer a quick questionnaire about it when you’re done! Dead easy. I won’t need the diary back when you’re done with it. It’s yours to keep. The completed questionnaire is all I’m after.

If you tell me your address, I will even post the diary to you for free! How great is that? (If you’re not comfortable giving your address to a stranger on the internet I can also send you a PDF for you to print out or whatever at home.)

If you want to get involved, send me an email at HowWasYourDay@Live.com